January 8, 2025 Minutes
The Board Meeting was held on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, at the office of Lee Jennings.
Paul Shumpert called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Paul Shumpert opened the meeting with prayer. Present were Paul & Cindy Shumpert, David Kearns, Lee Jennings, George Faile, Sylvia Washington, Laurie Douglas, Martha Cates, and Jamie Lin.
Jamie Lin was introduced as our newest board member. She replaces Bryant Jarrett who resigned due to work obligations. Paul Shumpert is now updating the website. We are still open to anyone locally willing to volunteer their time to help with this function.
2024 financial spending was reviewed including expense details during the course of the meeting.
The personnel we support at BMC were discussed and the board approved continuing such support including a small raise for our volunteer coordinator, Mr. Ackom. We support a Ghanaian doctor, and surgical tech/nurse. The board also approved small raises for guest house staff based on the inflation rate in Ghana.
The primary large equipment purchase anticipated this year is a replacement truck which was approved. The current truck is 8+ years old and is in worsening condition and requiring frequent repair. We are also assisting BMC in repairing a 12+ year old Land Cruiser purchased by us for Public Health use but also available at times for us to transport larger volunteer groups.
More housing units at Alafia Tinga, the TB treatment village, were rehabbed in 2024 bringing the total rehabbed to 13 duplex units. Currently the housing situation is sufficient to meet the expected needs.
Several volunteer surgeons have served in the past 6 months to meet surgical needs while Dr. Haun is on leave. Much of the remaining 6 months is also covered. We greatly appreciate these volunteers!
Other plans for 2025 approved by the board include: - Possibly remodel the kitchen in main guesthouse, house 6.
- Moving forward in providing cardiac surgery for several patients in the Charity Fund. Currently the best option for many of
these surgeries is for them to be done in India. This is a large logistical and financial commitment but necessary for these
patients’ survival. One cardiac surgery was successfully done in Ghana in 2024. We thank King’s Diagnostic and Vehrdict
EMR for their help in this process. - Continued repair and maintenance of past purchased equipment that include 3 autoclaves, 2 anesthesia machines, 2 industrial
washers, an x ray unit, dental chair, and 2 surgical cautery units.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.