Mission Statement
The George Faile Foundation has a strong commitment to make a difference in the lives of the people of Northern Ghana. We support Baptist Medical Centre in providing spiritual and health care to those in need in this impoverished area of the world. Like Baptist Medical Centre, we believe that our service earns hearing for the transforming gospel of Jesus Christ.
Learn more about Baptist Medical Centre and the work done there.

See our news section for what the foundation is doing
The Faile Foundation is tax exempt under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code (see the letter). Tax ID: 58-2435930​
Urgent Request!
We need more bandages rolled, from sheets. For more information, visit our Bandage Project page!
What we DO NOT need are more church envelopes! BMC has enough envelopes to last years! There are many other ways you can help, but envelopes are not one of them.
Thank you!